Search tools: index of names

We have indexed almost 50,000 names that appear in Burg Reuland's church records (1661-1797) and civil registers from 1797 through 1870. This alphabetical index includes all persons who are listed as born, died, or married during that time, along with the all parents identified in these records and all spouses identified in death records. In addition, about a fifth of baptismal sponsors from the parish records are included. The index can be downloaded as an Excel file, which provides the most flexibility for searching or sorting data, or as a PDF file in alphabetical order. In addition, we have compiled a separate list of name variants which can used to search alternative spellings of the same name.


If you have not used the index previously, please read the notes (the "fine print") about this collection of data. 

Index 1661-1870.xlsx
Microsoft Excel Table 5.8 MB
Index 1661-1870.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 12.5 MB
Surname variants.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 198.8 KB